Monday, March 31, 2008

As the clouds subside

In a yellow African grassland the wind slowly blows, increasing in momentum the clouds follow suit. My yellow paradise with a blue cap has disappeared and all I'm left with is rain. The first drop hits my forehead gently but too late to save the chill I feel down my spine. I realise that soon I am to be part of the storm.
I am alone, yet I feel that I should be looking for something. And I do. So as they drops start to penetrate my summer halter neck dress, I start looking for that something. Because I am not sure what it is, I duck, just in case it is below me and jump, just in case it is taller than me. Nothing.
I hear a slight noise and I am tempted to start running. But I don't run as I remind myself that 21-year-olds don't get frightened. I hear it again, but this time it starts to sound familiar than its first shriek. I look around again as its noise is becoming constant, more high pitched.
To me it feels as if this is the voice of victory. I imagine myself running closer and closer to the finish line, and the crowd is chanting my name louder and louder as I near crossing it. But then again I realise that I am still in the now wet grassland and the familiar noise which I have been hearing is the sound of a baby crying. I wonder whose baby it could be. Mine perhaps?
Was I so lost in day dreaming that I forgot that I had a baby. As I try to retrace my steps on how I landed in the grassy paradise I am met with visualisations of a man. Not the typical hunk, but good looking. Not short yet not tall. At some stage I come to understand that I might have been with that man sometime earlier. I smile as I remember how a friend of mine would say "I have known man". I ponder about how I could have landed there, as the baby's cries intensify. I look down and the most adorable baby lies, covered in a white sheet. The crying seizes as she glances at me. The clouds subside.

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