Thursday, April 17, 2008

On the same day time took the full moon and brought rain

What can one call you?
For the worst you have been convicted as responsible,
Yet for life’s bests you play a role
One can only wonder, whose side are you on?

Births and deaths
Break ups and make ups
Riches and poors

In mine is seems as though you specialise in the greatest and worst:
Births and deaths.

Four years ago on the same day you took away
The one who in me saw a full moon,
Round and orange in splendour,
For them I would control the tides whilst dancing around with the clouds
I could be seen from many corners although my ray would be shining for only one.

This year on the same day you promise to give me
The one who I hope will bring rain to my desert heart
Wet and heavy like thunderstorms yet gentle and warm like a drizzle
For you I will do the rain dance if it helps bring the rain you want
And sing “rain rain go away” if it takes away the precipitation from your sight

I will, as time allows be your fullness and joy
Although I cannot promise that he will forever on my side be.

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